Pick a word to pray over for this year and see where God may be calling you to somewhere new and different through the practice of a guiding star word
Abundance | Dreamer | Justice | Ritual |
Adopt | Dwell | Language | Room |
Affirm | Embrace | Laughter | Sabbath |
Affirmation | Empathy | Leadership | Season |
Align | Empower | Learn | See |
Appreciation | Endurance | Let Go | Seek |
Authenticity | Enthusiasm | Light | Self-awareness |
Awake | Examine | Listen | Self-love |
Awareness | Explore | Loyal | Sensitivity |
Awe | Family | Marvel | Share |
Be | Fast | Mercy | Silence |
Begin | Fearless | Motivate | Simplicity |
Believe | Feel | New Life | Solitude |
Beloved | Focus | Nurture | Speak |
Bless | Forgive | Overflow | Stability |
Bravery | Forgiveness | Passion | Story |
Breathe | Freedom | Patience | Sunrise |
Build | Friendship | Play | Sunset |
Center | Generosity | Power | Tell |
Change | Gratitude | Pray | Tenderness |
Cherish | Grow | Prayer | Time |
Choice | Heal | Present | Today |
Chosen | Health | Pursue | Tradition |
Clarity | Home | Quiet | Trust |
Comfort | Hope | Radiate | Vibrant |
Commitment | Hospitality | Reflect | Vision |
Community | Imagine | Relationship | Vocation |
Confidence | Include | Release | Voice |
Connection | Increase | Remember | Walk |
Conviction | Insight | Renew | Warmth |
Courage | Inspire | Resist | Weave |
Creativity | Integrity | Rest | Welcome |
Desire | Intention | Restore | Wholeness |
Discernment | Invite | Return | Wilderness |
Discovery | Journey | Revelation | Wisdom |
Draw Near | Joy | Rise up | Wonder |
Risk | Zeal |
Ideas for praying with your STAR WORD:
• Look up the definition of the word, even if you know it well. Learn about its etymology. What culture does it come from? How has its meaning changed over time?
• What does this word bring to mind as you contemplate? Does it recall any memories? How might God be speaking to you through the feelings and the stories this word evokes?
• Find this word or a synonym in the bible – what does the scripture tell you? Does this word remind you over other passages?
• Write a prayer using your word and pray it regularly
Here’s a prayer from Michelle Thomas Bush for praying with your STAR WORD: God, we acknowledge that we are not always ready to receive your best gifts for us. You have given us an epiphany word in order that our searching will bring us to you. It is often our habit to turn aside, stumble over, or even reject experiences and encounters that we later understand to have been precious gifts. Help us to be open to the gift that you offer us now through our star words. We acknowledge that we do not fully understand what this word might mean for our faith, but we receive it from you with gratitude and pray that your Spirit will enable us to live into our word with intention and faithfulness. Amen.